Residents within the Narrogin and Highbury town sites are invited to request a street tree be planted by the Shire on the verge in front of your house, if there is a street tree missing or there is sufficient room for an additional tree.

Trees are a valuable community asset, enhancing both the built and the natural environment of the Shire. They contribute to the well-being of the community and through their longevity serve as a cultural link through generations.

See “Street Tree Planning: Selections and Recommendations Guide” for the particular tree species for your street. If your street is not included in the guide, then a suitable species of tree will be recommended that will complement existing trees in the street and one that is suitable for the location. Trees will be planted during the months of June, July and August for best results and dependent on availability.

Once the tree is planted, residents are encouraged to water the tree for the first two summers or until established.

To request a street tree, please use the Shires Form below.

Request a street tree.